Fort Lauderdale Yakfishing Club

Links: contributed by List Members

Marine Weather

Contributed by moi. My fave link finally got shut down but Weather Underground ain't bad, has been around years, lots of info. Just fill in the "fast forecast" box and go. For yakking I highly recommend checking the NOAA Weather Buoys. Click on the buoy (I use Lake Worth which seems to correlate well with W. Palm to Miami) and you will see current winds given for each 10 min. over the last hr., and each hr. for the last 24 hrs. This is LIVE info and is Super!


NOAA Tides (Multiple days) (Hourlies, graph)

Why three tide links? Why not, I say. Depends on how you like your data presented. My fave - cause you can select multiple days, like the whole weekend. NOAA is harder to use but tons of other info (see links on the bottom of their page). And T-bone at the U of SC - now this is a site you can sink your teeth into. You can designate form of output, colors, graphs, several monthly calendar and more. Not only do ya get the tides the way ya like em, but T-bone links a map of the area! For the fanatics among you.

Terraserver Aerial Photos
Maptech (aerials, maps, nautical & aero charts)!

Terraserver, contributed by Don B. is nice. I've linked the page showing Florida; just click as closely as you can to the location you want. For the Keys, click in the lighter green area fairly close to the mainland. You can zoom out or in as needed, just like Mapquest. How good is the link? It's great. But even better I think is Brandon's link to Maptech. Here you can get maps, aerials, NOAA nautical charts and aeronauticals - all on one page! Plus you can even enter GPS locations. If Terraserve is good, Maptech is unbelievable. I entered my fave location, Rattlesnake Key, and Maptech even showed the sunken barge! Check em out...

New!Local Maps by Roger

I'm also VERY pleased to link Roger's Map page in which he painstakingly assembled directions, maps and yakking info for launches in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties. Nice job, Roger and thanks... very useful!

Florida Artificial Reefs

Contributed by Ray. This link gives you GPS locations in both Excel and PDF formats for quick downloading. Ray bought a software program for his Magellan and is able to turn these into color maps. Nice.

Frank's Yak

Frank took considerable time to put together a detailed pic of his customized yak, and a comprehensive description of each feature, it's construction and usability. Although not totally bout yakfishing you will learn much. I guarantee it.

US Navy: Key West Oceanography: Keys tides 'n more!

Seems to be temporarily offline, but try anyway..

Contributed by Brandon. An official site (if you get a "non-secure" warning, just keep going, it's fine). Click on "Enter NLMOD Operations", then "oceanography" (on left). Of particular interest are the "tide corrections chart" for the Keys, along with the "daily tide graph" of course. They also link to the coastal wind (MAP) buoys (great, you can get current winds, plus last hour, and last 24 hrs.).


KFS, the home of Jon and Joey. My fave is the DIY forum for those of us who like to tinker, alter, change, improve and upgrade our yaks with duct tape, PVC and a whole lotta imagination.

Kayak Fishing in Southern California

Now what in heaven's name is a California site bein linked here? Well for one, Keith Martin was kind enough to link us. For another is really a beautiful, well designed site. I've linked the directory of yakfishing links which is really quite complete. This will be a site to watch.

Kayak Fishing in North Florida

Seems to be offline, but this is a great site, try it anyway...

North Florida? Here in Paradise we hate to even say the word "north", a place many of us have thankfully escaped. But Mike Kyle is one great guy, and I really like his site, which continues to develop. Chef Mike loves this site, says you just gotta see some of amazing fish caught on film, er, electrons. Also rigging tips, honey holes, tides, knots etc. Nice job, Mike! But how bout just saying "N. Florida" and avoiding the dreaded N-word.

Kayak Fishing in Jacksonville

Mike Kogan's serves, uh, Jacksonville. Home to the US Navy, Navy groupies, good Chinese restaurants and plenty of yakfishing. A great site to check if you're headin up that way. One of our link exchanges, thanks Mike.

AllKayakFishing: Southern California

What! Another California site? AllKayakFishing was aka Kayak Korner, and SoCalKayakFishing. Perry, Dennis Spike and the old forum are three of the oldest sites on the net, so I'm paying homage here. But you better never call me the "grandfather of yakfishin" (I'll bet Dennis is still lookin for ya)...

Coastal Kayak Fishing (Dennis Spike)

I am proud to exchange links with CKF, one of the original yakfishin sites by a real yakfishin pioneer, Dennis Spike. Dennis started out bout 1987; CKF features sales, discussion boards and guided trips, including the Baja's East Cape region. The Florida BBS Forum there is VERY popular. One last thing: a big public thanks to Dennis for his personal generosity, accessibility and advice freely given by a man who truly loves this sport. We all owe Dennis..BIG TIME!

PS. Dennis you'll be surprised to know that I own not one, but two of the yaks you originally recommended - the great Scupper Pro (no surprise) and the Necky Spike - and love em both.

La Jolla Kayak Fishing

And yet another Ca. site run by Jim Sammons, a very experienced and knowledgeable yakfisher who's not afraid to speak his mind. His Fishing Forum is informative and quite well moderated, lol. Jim had something to do with the Prowler design as well, another big feather in his cap. Happy to link LJKF.

Kayak Sportfishing: California

A nice site with a kayak rigging section, fishing tackle 'n tips and forums on fishing gear, rigging, freshwater and saltwater. A link exchange partner, thanks Jason!

Australia: SE Queensland Kayak Fishing

SE Queensland, hello from SE Florida. I'm a real fan of our counterparts in S. Africa, Australia and New Zealand. These guys (and a few gals too) are serious kayakers and have a lot to offer us. Relatively free of marketing hype and great articles, ramblings, rigs and tips (includes some good SIK yakfishin info). Another link exchange partner, thanks to Tony Smith!

Don's site has changed addresses, will rectify ASAP (that means when I get to it on Island Time)

I'm also VERY pleased to link my good friend Don Belzowski's wonderful new art and photo site. Don is a member of FLYC and you've seen some his work gracing my emails. In addition to being an excellent yakfisher, Don is an artist and photographer. Altho this is a blatant commercial plug, Don more than deserves it. Don, we are proud of ya!

First Ya Point, then Yer Clicketh...
"Honest - it was this big..."

Hope ya enjoyed this page! For more incredibly satisfying info...

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Capn Jimbo's Forum in Paradise
Contact Capn Jimbo, Chief Yakker