Fort Lauderdale Yakfishing Club

Kayaking For Simians

The "Top 87" - Meet the Fokkers!


Ever stopped by a real drinkers' bar?

It's smoky - long, long happy hour, conversation at a dull roar - and busy day and night. Filled with alchies, stoners and their hangers on. Here and there you'll find an alpha-drinker holding forth on anything from presidential politics to pussy
willow, and who has ALL the answers to EVERYTHING - put forth in a leering alcoholic spew of bad breath and worse ideas. Yeah, YEAH! agree his beta admirers. If only they were runnin things! And it goes on, and on, and on, and....

The lowest common denominator rules.

That's what KFS - and internet - is becoming (refer to "Cult of Amateurs", Andrew Keen, linked elsewhere). A din of dummies lecturing dummies. And solving nothing, focused on nothing, achieving nothing and understanding nothing. And so it goes - til "last call" and off they weave and trundle home to the spouse and the kids, and long past their bedtime.

Following is a list of the Top 87 in order by (a) posts and (b) alphabetically. It's so very important you know who these alpha-posters are and understand they run the show. These 87, representing a mere 0.8% of KFS' nearly 10,000 members, literally dominate most sections with a barrage of BS - over 150,000 posts, almost 2/3 of all posts. They average 1812 posts each (compare to 15 for each of the rest of the members) and you don't stand a chance...

For every well reasoned post you offer, each of the alpha-posters will bury you with 182 primate postulations of their own.

Note: Are all these alpha-posters dummies? Of course not (just most of em). But you'll figure it out...

Analysis of Posts

Jon			12014
LunaSea			10362
ricksconnected		6414
SCOTT			5319
mrsinbad		4735
salty h2o fly		4174
Stan			3928
ORF			3765
bnz			3644
CPP			3509
lconn			3343
Terri			3115
Yak-a-lou		3064
Apalach			3064
Caspar			2858
r wolson		2744
fishon			2559
Kneedeep		2403
Joe B			2403
joeykayak		2371
Ken L			2354
Vivian			2307
Choupique		2086
Artie W			1949
Prowler Guy		1894
River Raider		1873
Santiago II		1854
Jim W			1643
Paddlin 4 Reds		1536
Bernice			1485
ValFitzAndrews		1474
The Riddler		1412
dduffe			1399
Reel Rush		1323
David D			1304
Surf Monkey		1280
Esox			1223
Jesse Johnston		1151
Phil on the Fly		1142
Joe V			1121
Fuzzy Bruce		1085
Sea Flea		1071
Dogdad			1055
Vfisher			1031
aweiss44		986
Braves Win		980
East Coast Kayak	960
Harold Ray		910
Sailor			908
Hungrymullet		905
AlohaDan		898
Bill Becker		870
pmjasper		866
Josh Kaptur		866
Punisher		858
Dr Wilki		856
cliffblair		855
Jesse R			850
Kingfish		849
vakayakangler		822
dmac			821
NH Explorer		817
Mark T			813
YakontheFly		812
msqdan			800
Agent			800
E2			796
Big Pompano		782
Matt Miller (Hobie Rep)	773
Daiwa			771
ART R			770
Shipwreck		767
Houdini			758
mr mom			758
beagle			756
Flyguide		741
North Shore Tiger	734
NC Lefty		732
Thomas			726
Steve1			725
coydogcaller		719
Ron Harrison		701
fishingrod		669
Hank G			668
Socrates_thinks		662
Agent			800
AlohaDan		898
Apalach			3064
ART R			770
Artie W			1949
aweiss44		986
beagle			756
Bernice			1485
Big Pompano		782
Bill Becker		870
bnz			3644
Braves Win		980
Caspar			2858
Choupique		2086
cliffblair		855
coydogcaller		719
CPP			3509
Daiwa			771
David D			1304
dduffe			1399
dmac			821
Dogdad			1055
Dr Wilki		856
E2			796
East Coast Kayak	960
Esox			1223
fishingrod		669
fishon			2559
Flyguide		741
Fuzzy Bruce		1085
Hank G			668
Harold Ray		910
Houdini			758
Hungrymullet		905
Jesse Johnston		1151
Jesse R			850
Jim W			1643
Joe B			2403
Joe V			1121
joeykayak		2371
Jon			12014
Josh Kaptur		866
Ken L			2354
Kingfish		849
Kneedeep		2403
lconn			3343
LunaSea			10362
Mark T			813
Matt Miller (Hobie)	773
mr mom			758
mrsinbad		4735
msqdan			800
NC Lefty		732
NH Explorer		817
North Shore Tiger	734
ORF			3765
Paddlin 4 Reds		1536
Phil on the Fly		1142
pmjasper		866
Prowler Guy		1894
Punisher		858
r wolson		2744
Reel Rush		1323
ricksconnected		6414
River Raider		1873
Ron Harrison		701
Sailor			908
salty h2o fly		4174
Santiago II		1854
SCOTT			5319
Sea Flea		1071
Shipwreck		767
Socrates_thinks		662
Stan			3928
Steve1			725
Surf Monkey		1280
Terri			3115
The Riddler		1412
Thomas			726
vakayakangler		822
ValFitzAndrews		1474
Vfisher			1031
Vivian			2307
Yak-a-lou		3064
YakontheFly		812

Total: an amazing 155,843 posts by just 87 posters!

Summary: if you think the immensity of these numbers is intimidating here, just visit the site. The great majority of normal, relatively infrequent posters are simply overwhelmed by the very vocal few. Intelligent counterpoint, alternative viewpoints and constructive criticism are not tolerated. Worse yet, the near lack of moderation allows the discourse to descend to a level of crudity and brute force that you have to experience to appreciate.

Although quality content does exist, it requires sufficient expertise - lacking by the newbie - to find and distinguish it from the mountains of monkey droppings. Accordingly the amount of misinformation is massive, and the newbie simply doesn't stand a chance. This netwide trend - of mediocrity, error and mis/malinformation - is well covered in Cult of the Amateur.

In this wonderful book, author Andrew Keen so well brands these denizens of the digital world:

"It's ignorance meets egoism, meets bad taste, meets mob rule... on steroids".

See also:
1) KFS: Kayaking For Simians
2) Kult of MonKeYs!!
3) KFS: Commercial Cult Central?

Hope ya enjoyed this page! For more incredibly satisfying info...

Ft Lauderdale Yakfishing Club
Capn Jimbo's Forum in Paradise
Contact Capn Jimbo, Chief Yakker